
SAJChem uses ReviewerCredits to award referees (also to your Orcid account). If you want to be awarded for doing referee work for us ensure that you:


  1. Register at for a Referee account. Ensure you register your ORCiD there as well.
  2. Complete a professional referee report in 2 weeks (fill in all fields and provide motivations where required). Ask for an extension if you need more time.


Once a manuscript is Accepted or Rejected, our journal management system ( will transfer your Reviewer contribution to ReviewerCredits.  You will also receive a confirmatory email in this regard and your service to SAJChem should reflect in the next 24 hours.


Note: You can manually sync your OrcID account ( with your ReviewersCredit profile. You can also link your OrcID account to your Web Of Science account ( Your Peer Review data from SAJChem will then sync to ReviewerCredits, OrcID, and your Web of Science profiles.


Here are the steps to follow to sync your OrcID and Web of Science Profiles:

  1. Login to your Web of Science account.
  2. Go to “Profile” then choose “Profile Settings”.
  3. Then go to “Orcid syncing”.  Ensure all 3 options are “ON”:  “Keep my OrcID updated”,  “Keep my Web of Science Researcher Profile updated” and “Update my peer reviews in OrcID”.


You can then also manually sync your Web of Science and OrcID profiles.