In 2018, the journal celebrated its 100th anniversary. Since its inception, the South African Chemical Institute’s journal has published high-quality papers in all fields of chemistry.

All issues published since 1918 are freely available online via open access

SAJChem publishes manuscripts under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. This license was created to promote open access, specifically free immediate access to and unrestricted reuse of original works of all types. Under this license, authors agree to make their articles legally available for reuse for virtually any purpose, without permission or payment. These articles may be copied, distributed, or reused by anyone as long as the author and original source are properly cited. Furthermore, SAJChem’s journal platform ( for publishing research articles is Open Access. We are members of the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and the Scientific Library Online (SciELO SA).

It is a CAS-abstracted publication that appears in Current Web Contents, Web of Knowledge, DAOJ, Scielo and other databases. It is a South African Department of Higher Education and Training-accredited publication. SAJC has a 2.2 impact factor (Scopus CiteScore 2023).

ORCIDs: Since April 2017, published manuscripts have been linked to the authors’ ORCIDs. We are also working on rewarding referees for their review work through the ORCIDs system.

Articles can be submitted online at

The journal publishes short communications, full research papers and review articles in all branches of chemistry. All manuscripts are subjected to a rigorous peer review process by the Scientific Editors.